Work-related stress arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person’s capacity and capability to cope.According toBetter Health,Work-related stress is the second common illness/injury in Australia,followingmusculoskeletal disorders
Organizational culture is theselectionof values, expectations, and practiceswhichguidesand informsthe actions of all team members. This ultimately shapes employee perceptions,behavioursand understanding in the workplace
Management practice is an important factor in creating a work culture and environment. Bad management practices can develop conflict in the workplaceincluding,workplace bullying, power abuse(e.g.,usingfear to motivate people),ignoring good performance from team members andconductingineffective meetings.
Job contents and demands such as workoverload or pressure can be a huge impact on your mental wellbeing. Being overly pressured and overloaded with work can cause high stress for employees. Stress can lower a person’s productivity, focus and motivation to complete their job content and demands.
Numerousstudieshave demonstrated that characteristics of the physical office environment can have a significant effect on the behaviour, perceptions and productivity of employees.This is especially for office employeeswho oftenspend a lot of their time insidetheir environment. The physical environments influence their well-being and directly influence their work performance and productivity. The atmosphere of the building should have the right room temperature, enough air quality, good lighting and low noise conditions in the office for better work concentration andproductivity.
Building networks, connections and positive relationships at workareimportant.Having a workplace environment that acts as a team rather than individually makesemployeesfeel they are supported by their employers and employees. Thisbuilds their confidence, therefore their productivity.However, if employees feel a lack of support in their workplacethere can be disengagement in the workplace. Hence, the work environment will naturally be disconnected and less productive.
Sudden change in management and work environment can be stressful especially for long term existing employees who have been with the company.Typical changes that negatively impact a portion of the employees are salary cuts, loss of benefits, downgrading in job position, job loss or relocation to another city, state or country. This can create job insecurity for employees andcan result in negative impacts on their mental health(p)
According toSafework,poorly defined or conflicted roles in a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) can be a stressor for workers. Poor role definition arises from a lack of clarity in workers’ objectives, key accountabilities, their co-workers’ expectations of them and the overall scope or responsibilities of their job. Role conflict occurs when a worker is required to perform a role that goes against their values or when their job demands are incompatible.(p)
This can include:
Events such as death, grief, suicide, accident or injury
Organizational suchasbullying, threats, harassment, betrayal, maliciousness, extreme isolation, chronic pressure, unresolved conflict, toxic work environment, uncertainty, fear for the future, downsizing or fear of unemployment
Physical stressors such as noise, chaotic environment, sense of no control over space, fear for physical safety, harsh or flashing lights, extremes of heat or cold, working amid construction, and other adverse physical conditions
Externalthreats suchas evacuation, lockdown, fire or robbery
These factors can affect the company's budget, employee turnover and overall profits.Moreover, Adecrease in productivity and morale are signs employees may be struggling with the leadership being given.If employees have aneffective leaderand a good workplace structureorenvironment, there will also be better performance in hand.Hence, a greater profit for the organization.
Keep a journal to identify whichcircumstancescreate the most stress and how you respondor reactto them.Jotdown your thoughts, feelings, anddetailsabout the environment, including the people involved.
Any form of physical activity is beneficial. Also, make time for hobbies and activities.Getting enough good-quality sleep is also important for effective stressmanagement
Establish some work-life boundaries for yourself.In today’s world, many people areaddicted totheir mobile or computer devices, checking emails and social media content.According to astudyfrom NCBI, social media use can increase levels of anxiety and depression. Hence,Thismay mean a rule not togo on social media unless checking on your phone for very important matters.Although people have different preferences when it comes to how much they blend their work and home life, creating some clear boundaries between these realms can reduce the potential for work-life conflict and the stress that goes with it
Beginan open conversation with your supervisor. The intent is not to show a list of complaints but to come up with an effective plan for managing the stressors youhaveidentified,to perform best at your job
Your employer may also have stress management resources available through an employee assistance program, including online information, and referral to mental health professionals. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by work stress, you may want to talk to a psychologist, who can help you better manage stress and change unhealthy behaviour.If you are experiencingworkplacestress and want to speak to someone now, our Cyber Clinic app can connect you with apsychologistthrough your phone and skip the wait time. Our servicesincludemedicarerebates.
Feeling better starts by talking to someone. We give you access to online support that can help you feel better. Our therapists can help you manage problems with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, eating disorders, child counselling and much more.
The first step towards the new you is by downloading the Cyber Clinic app through the Apple or Google Play store. Explore our online mental health treatment and connect with professionals that can really help.
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